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In case you stumbled upon this website, you might wonder what is its purpose. As it stands, this site has turned into a kind of repository – in particular, it is intended as a repository of ideas and learning experiences that are expressed and structured clearly enough so as to share them with whoever feels like picking them up somewhere in the cloud. The variety of content that you will find reflects a piece of my own story: that of a student of history and philosophy who eventually encountered and transitioned to mathematics and software engineering and is now lost somewhere in between. My posts will therefore include discussions and breakdowns of concepts that belong to and often overlap between these respective areas of thought. However, the initial motivation for building this site came about as I was learning how to program and to build “things that worked” using code. At that time, I made myself two promises: the first was to one day build something of a map of the software engineering world which newcomers to the field could use to navigate this seemingly scary land without getting lost; the second was to one day write about my transition from the humanities to the sciences. The result is a glimpse into my “open mind” where I hope that readers will find something valuable.